list of first problems

2980    ATM HS08TEST 392 34.79
3027    Attractive Loan HS08RBRT 54 41.10
3035    The ATM is out of money! HS08MATM 11 77.55
3037    Sweet Option HS08FCON 8 72.73
3038    Shopping for points HS08PTS 3 33.33
3039    Illegible account numbers HS08IBAN 8 40.91
3180    Ancient Ciphers HS08ANCP 0 0.00
3207    Suan Pan HS08SUAN 5 66.67
3209    Broken Soroban HS08SBAN 7 40.00
3235    The Hotel Room Riddle HS08RIDL 0 0.00
3236    Self-made Cipher HS08RCPR 0 0.00
3247    Simple Rotor Simulator HS08RTR 1 50.00
3248    Sorting the Shifts HS08SORT 2 100.00
3403    Vacation Plans HS08VCTN 1 50.00
3429    The Game HS08NBGM 5 95.00
3431    Game of War HS08WAR 3 42.86
3437    Jigsaw Puzzle HS08PZL 1 100.00
3681    Nim 2 or 3 HS08NIM2 6 75.00
3698    Lonely Numbers HS08LN 25 48.08
3702    Come and buy! HS08NAIL 3 100.00
3750    Subset or Element HS08SE 1 100.00
3761    Intergalactic Security Organization HS08ISO 5 93.33
3860    Mysterious number 6174 HS086174 5 55.56
3864    Parallel Stripes Galaxy HS08PSG 0 0.00
3891    Little chemist HS08CHEM 0 0.00
4013    Intergalactic Security Organization II HS08ISO2 0 0.00
4029    Interstellar Jumps HS08JUMP 1 100.00
4140    Fractions Decomposition HS08FRAC 0 0.00
4164    A conjecture of Paul ErdÅ‘s HS08PAUL 2 22.22
4166    Four colors HS08FOUR 0 0.00
4186    Break a New RSA system HS08CODE 2 100.00
4188    Amazing equality HS08EQ 1 33.33
4221    Intergalactic Security Organization III HS08ISO3 0 0.00
4276    Tree traversal cipher HS08TTC 4 50.00
4294    Summer Trip HS08ST 3 100.00
4451    Another Knapsack Problem HS08AKP 69 91.09
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