SMPSEQ3 - Fun with Sequences

You are given a sorted sequence of n integers S = s1, s2 ... sn and a sorted sequence of m integers Q = q1, q2 ... qm.

Please print in ascending order all such si that does not belong to Q.

Input data specification

In the first line you are given one integer 2 <= n <= 100, and in the following line n integers:
-100 <= si <= 100, si <= si+1.

In the third line you are given one integer 2 <= m <= 100, and in the following line m integers:
-100 <= qi <= 100, qi <= qi+1.

Output data specification

The sequence of requested integers separated by spaces.


-2 -1 0 1 4
-3 -2 -1 1 2 3

0 4

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shrikant_001: 2016-12-06 15:36:07

guess what my code gives the same output but is not accepted by SPOJ.

keshav_786: 2016-11-04 06:02:47

what an easy one!!!

prad143: 2016-08-27 11:42:28

Do i need to assume the array is sorted or do i need to sort the array myself???

anjali1998: 2016-08-07 17:55:05

My code compiled correctly in ideone but here it's showing wrong answer...please help.

ranjanakash166: 2016-06-08 15:12:44


prady7330: 2015-12-04 17:29:18

easy stuff.

Added by:kuszi
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