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ISPRIME - Prime or not

Your task is to check whether x is prime.


There is unknown number of tests. Each test consist of one integer x (x<=2*109).


For each test print YES is x is prime or NO otherwise.


Output: NO

Added by:Piotr Kąkol
Time limit:4.820s-9.819s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: NODEJS OBJC SCM qobi VB.NET
Resource:Copy of Roman Sol's task PON with different scoring and languages

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2012-04-27 05:20:41 Devil D
My CODE for PON is running fine.. same code here gives error ...
2011-06-02 15:45:14 Hallvard Norheim Bø
@Alex: it's either that, or iterate over sys.stdin. If you choose the first solution, you must wrap it in a try/except clause, since the judge requires your program to complete without throwing an exception.
2011-06-02 14:26:47 Alex
How do i realize the unknown test cases? Just with a "while true"?
2011-01-07 00:19:26 Piotr KÄ…kol
Sorry once again for giving You hope.
2011-01-06 17:06:10 Hallvard Norheim Bø
Bad news for my base-2 pseudoprime test in 54 bytes of Python...
2011-01-06 13:17:40 Piotr KÄ…kol
// I added test with Carmichael numbers as I noticed that I haven't put them into this task while solving PON. I made rejudge so some of AC are now WA or TLE.
Sorry for the confusion.
2011-01-06 12:25:57 Hallvard Norheim Bø
Can x be negative or zero in the tests?

Last edit: 2011-01-06 12:26:29
2010-11-15 12:05:58 HWK
Thank you! That helped a lot.
2010-11-14 10:31:35 Piotr KÄ…kol
Sorry for misleading You. I used "Page down" button to compare Your results with correct ones and when scrollbar reach the bottom I thought that You print wrong answer for mentioned below tests and the real mistake is... that You don't printf answer for the last test unless it's followed by EOL. ;-)
2010-11-14 09:48:41 HWK
That's strange. Exactly this results I get at home (Bash 4.1.5(1) on Ubuntu 10.04) with 4294099 and 4294029!?
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