AGGRCOW - Aggressive cows

Farmer John has built a new long barn, with N (2 <= N <= 100,000) stalls. The stalls are located along a straight line at positions x1 ... xN (0 <= xi <= 1,000,000,000).

His C (2 <= C <= N) cows don't like this barn layout and become aggressive towards each other once put into a stall. To prevent the cows from hurting each other, FJ wants to assign the cows to the stalls, such that the minimum distance between any two of them is as large as possible. What is the largest minimum distance?


t – the number of test cases, then t test cases follows.
* Line 1: Two space-separated integers: N and C
* Lines 2..N+1: Line i+1 contains an integer stall location, xi


For each test case output one integer: the largest minimum distance.



5 3



Output details:

FJ can put his 3 cows in the stalls at positions 1, 4 and 8,
resulting in a minimum distance of 3.

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mayank_code: 2018-10-29 04:37:27

Finally AC :)

artistic_15: 2018-10-24 18:58:55

Very Good Problem. I didn't even knew we can implement binary search this way :)

cenation092: 2018-10-18 18:01:27

This will help you in, How to come up with binary search solution

Last edit: 2018-10-18 18:01:43
victor_ludorum: 2018-10-16 16:41:57

For Those who are struggling to identify how it is binary search will check the topcoder tutorial. Basically last example of this article :
The last example of this article gives you insight of how to use binary search in these types of problem..

codeinfinity: 2018-10-06 07:10:42

what is worst that happend with you in life?
with me I forgot one endl and ended up with 3 WA

Last edit: 2018-10-06 07:26:29
mohamedhamada: 2018-09-10 15:00:51

Got AC :D

timmymbek: 2018-08-12 04:41:31


Last edit: 2018-08-12 06:09:57
king_tsar: 2018-07-27 10:35:56

Last edit: 2018-07-27 10:41:23
nitishyadav169: 2018-07-20 05:53:27

Last edit: 2018-08-17 22:06:54
ironhulk: 2018-07-12 08:23:56

why 1 4 9 is not the answer of given example??

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