COMMENTS - Comments

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Everyone knows that lots and lots of comments make for great code.
Well...actually that's not true.
In any case, we are going to count comments in programs written in a new language: C' (pronounced C prime).
In this language, comments take two forms.
  • Type-1: Beginning with two slashes (//), and ending with a new line, or end-of-file.
  • Type-2: Beginning with a slash and asterisk (/*), and ending with an asterisk and a slash (*/).
Comments are found by starting at the beginning of the program and moving forward. An opening comment token can be anywhere except inside another comment. Once a comment begins, it is terminated only by the ending sequence for that same type.
For instance,
//* */ hello
is a single type-1 comment, since it began with // and it can only end with a new line or end-of-file.
/** a
	// b
*/ c
is a single type-2 comment, since it began with /* and can only end with */.
Given source code, how many comments of each type are present?


Source code consisting of at most 5000 characters. The code will be legal according to the rules earlier (i.e. it will not have unclosed comments).


The number of type-1 comments and the number of type-2 comments. Separate these answers by whitespace.
//* */ hello
1 0
 * @return whether program halts
int doesItHalt(void (*program)()) {
	return 1; //remember: big picture perspective
1 1
int f(int a, int *b) {
	char *t = "//yeah, this isn't C";
	return a /*b */*//*c
2 1

Added by:BYU Admin
Time limit:1s-1.5s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64