GUESSLNK - Number Guessing Game 2

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I really enjoy setting problem GUESSING. After three years, I decided to set another "kind of interactive" problem based on it.

Given a link for GUESSING problem, find the server's response


The script runs on server works like this, the URL contains 12 digits, first 6 digits represents SEED generated by random number generator, and it won't change during a guessing session. The last 6 digits represents GUESS, which is the number user just typed.

The unknown part (for you, of course) is an integer function f which is a bijection from [0,999999] to [0,999999].

The server first generate TARGET = f(SEED), then it compares TARGET and GUESS and give response back to user.

for more details on f, it's in format (expr(x) % 1000000), and expr (x) is a expression contains only operation add, subtract, multiply, division, modulo, each exactly once, and every constants are in [0,999999], every variable is x(of course), brackets are allowed.

for example, expr(x) could be "x/12-34%(x+1)*56", but it's invalid since f is not a bijection.

the modulo/division operations here works well if left side is a negative number, for example, -2 % 5 = 3, -2 / 5 = -1. but it's undefined if the number on the right side is not positive.


each line contains a link in format "", where XXXXXXYYYYYY contains exactly 12 digit.


The server's response, in format "XAYB".




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abhu: 2018-11-08 20:59:33

@Bin Jin , 22669739 . I am sure of the logic now. Seed being (****) => 8_ and a perfect square. So can you see where I am going wrong?

darragh: 2016-03-26 19:25:36

Remember that the target can have leading 0's. Cost me two WA.

shravinson: 2015-08-30 15:16:36

impossible pattern matching.....
how can anyone guess pattern behind this question...... (-.-)

Sumit Paroothi: 2015-07-10 07:02:58

seemed impossible at one point....

noobe: 2015-03-16 16:27:58

plz can you help me with my solution id 13735600

Tushar: 2014-07-12 21:01:01

how can 000000 give 1A5B.. does it makes sense.. or im missing on something?

Ishan Bansal: 2013-10-16 21:49:30

does the test cases end with EOF
if first input is

Sidharth Gupta: 2011-07-05 11:49:33

Simply awesome!! Really enjoyed it. Would love to see more of these :):)

:D: 2011-06-07 04:38:59

Nice idea for a problem, cracking another problem :)

Added by:Bin Jin
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