IRECSQRT - Inverse of Recurrence Problem With a Square Root

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Given this recurrence formula (be careful, it's in inverse form):


Given n (0 ≤ n < 264) and m (0 < m < 264), your task is to compute an modulo m.

It's guaranteed that an is always an integer.


First line containing an integer T (0 < T ≤ 5×104), than T cases follow.

For each test case there are two integers n and m, written in one line, separated by a space.


For each test case, output the required answer: an modulo m.


0 10
1 10
2 10
3 10
10 10
100 100
1000 1000
10000 10000
100000 100000
9876543210123456789 1234567890987654321


Time limit ~7x My program speed: Click here to see my submission history and time record for this problem

See also: Another problem added by Tjandra Satria Gunawan

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Federico Lebrón: 2013-05-06 03:50:37

I liked this problem, thank you :)

Ivan Hendrajaya: 2013-05-04 20:42:04

@Tjandra: Thanks, take a long time for me to solve this problem. For now C++ is my main programming language, so I try to solve this problem with highly (not fully) optimized C++ code. I think it would be better if the number of test cases is not that much. :)

(Tjandra Satria Gunawan)(曾毅昆): 2013-04-28 10:17:35

@Ivan Hendrajaya: wow! superb solution... heavily optimized code written in C family ;-) I've been waiting that for a long time, finally it come.. thanks and congratulations, I hope you enjoy this problem.. :-D

Last edit: 2013-04-28 11:09:18
Andy: 2013-04-17 20:21:00

why am I getting NZEC?
--ans(francky)--> It seems most of recent NZEC are in fact TLE...

Yeah, I noticed that after looking for a while in judge status...
Anyway, got AC with C and without biginteger, use overflow manipulation :)

Ans(Tjandra): wow, you did it without bignum, without fast I/O, and using order 3 formula (the optimal formula is in order 1). I think your "overflow manipulation" has a big chance to become the fastest one ;-)

Last edit: 2013-04-17 22:29:43
Shubham Depp Bansal: 2013-03-23 06:22:05

recursion limit is too much in python. why?
--ans(francky)--> A well designed algo should not have such a problem ; the max depth is 64, and the default limit for python is 100000. You have to find a better formula, I think.

Done..Just too much mathematics :)

Last edit: 2013-03-25 11:22:26
Michael Kharitonov: 2013-03-22 16:43:30

Insidious author chose the bounds of m to make C solution more complicated.

Last edit: 2013-03-22 20:23:06
(Tjandra Satria Gunawan)(曾毅昆): 2013-03-19 16:14:53

seems that I pass that ONMIPA selection test 2013 (university level) :-D so start from tomorrow (20 March 2013) I'll be unavailable on SPOJ due to preparation on Regional Math Olympiad (ONMIPA regional level) until 11 April 2013, Sorry for inconvenience.

Last edit: 2013-03-19 18:14:07
(Tjandra Satria Gunawan)(曾毅昆): 2013-03-16 09:13:34

You can challenge yourself to solve this problem using C language, if you feel you solve this problem easily :-)
Just info: My 4KB of C code AC under 10s, and need ~6 hours for me to debug that long code...

Nipun Poddar: 2013-03-15 11:57:19


Last edit: 2013-03-15 14:59:28
Francky: 2013-03-15 08:45:52

Cool, 120B of python code.
Ans(Tjandra): My python 3 code was 123B (initial) now golfed to 99B ;-) Also we use different formula, my formula seems a bit slower but let me easy to golf :-) And congratulations, you're the fastest for now :-D

Last edit: 2013-03-15 21:53:57

Added by:Tjandra Satria Gunawan
Time limit:13s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64
Resource:ONMIPA sel 2013