MIRRORED - Mirrored Pairs

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The letters b and d are mirror images of each other, as are p and q. No other pairs of letters are mirrors, except for letters like H that are mirrors of themselves, and what’s the interest in a pair that’s just two of the same letter? We refuse to count self-mirrors as mirrored pairs.


Input is a list of lines with two characters on each line. Your program should end immediately when it encounters a line with two spaces.


The first line of output should contain only Ready. For each pair of characters (prior to a pair of spaces), print the line Mirrored pair if the characters are mirrors, otherwise print the line Ordinary pair.



Ordinary pair
Mirrored pair
Ordinary pair
Mirrored pair

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Vikram Kamath: 2011-12-31 07:13:40

Is the case important?

Benjamin Pinaya: 2011-12-25 23:19:39

And what about I? Really weird problem :D

Hermano: 2011-12-09 10:52:26

I was getting WA until I read Kroma's comment. I remeber what the word symmetrical really means.

Andy: 2011-10-13 11:18:58

kept getting WA, it turns out that the output "pair" is with lowercase p lol

Omar Simón Francisco Prieto Chacón - osfprieto: 2011-04-18 17:51:50

try using the getline function of iostream, it saves the line of the console in a char array, form ther you can see if the two first characters are ' '

nixeagle: 2011-01-30 19:29:30

When you see a line containing ' ' followed by a newline.

where the chars in between the ' ' have ASCII/UTF8 character code 0x20.

Last edit: 2011-01-30 19:31:19
saibharath: 2010-12-24 15:04:15

very frustrating ....couldnt get the answer

Garima Sachan: 2010-10-29 20:52:58

Whts problem in this code?

[code deleted]

edit by kokosek:
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Last edit: 2010-10-30 07:51:18
Harits Elfahmi: 2010-07-17 13:39:00

I use C++, and i used getchar().

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