PALIN - The Next Palindrome
A positive integer is called a palindrome if its representation in the decimal system is the same when read from left to right and from right to left. For a given positive integer K of not more than 1000000 digits, write the value of the smallest palindrome larger than K to output. Numbers are always displayed without leading zeros.
The first line contains integer t, the number of test cases. Integers K are given in the next t lines.
For each K, output the smallest palindrome larger than K.
Input: 2 808 2133 Output: 818 2222
Warning: large Input/Output data, be careful with certain languages
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Manish Mishra:
2015-03-07 21:58:12
I wrote the program and it works fine and gives the results as expected. But still when I submit it here, it says wrong answer.
Aditya Garg:
2015-03-07 11:04:12
i dont know why is it showing TLE
Zishan Ahmad:
2015-03-05 13:30:14
Admin, I was getting TLE and then i read your comment that input does not end on new line. is that the case with individual input numbers as well ? i modified the program to include both new line as well as space to separate input numbers but still getting TLE |
palak bhatia:
2015-03-04 16:30:05
please indicate whats "wrong" with my answer submitted..since my all test cases are coming out to be not able to identify the problem Last edit: 2015-03-04 16:30:42 |
John Jost:
2015-03-02 07:02:48
Just wanted to comment that the input does not end on a newline character. Check that your program is not expecting one if it gets TLE. |
John Jost:
2015-03-02 06:59:38
Narendra: For a single digit the output would be the next largest single digit. So 7 would be 8. 9 would be 11. |
Narendra pal:
2015-03-01 22:01:29
Admin....what should be output of single digit int.......and if u can hint some corner cases.....thanks in advance Last edit: 2015-03-01 22:13:07 |
2015-02-28 17:06:17
Thanx for u r great help Piyush |
2015-02-28 11:30:09
I have considered all possible test cases and the output seems to be correct. Still it is saying "wrong output".. Please Help Me..!! |
2015-02-26 11:12:19
gopala krishna i answering to ur doubt.
Added by: | adrian |
Date: | 2004-05-01 |
Time limit: | 2s-9s |
Source limit: | 50000B |
Memory limit: | 1536MB |
Cluster: | Cube (Intel G860) |
Languages: | All except: NODEJS PERL6 |