SPOTIT - Spot the largest string

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Rat Ronnie is very intelligent. Recently she got interested in the binary number system. Seeing this Rat Rocky decided to give her a problem to solve. If she solves it then she gets a big piece of cheese as a prize :).

A binary string of length N is a string that contains N characters. Each of these characters is either 0 or 1. Given a binary string S of length N and another input integer L, find a substring of length exactly L whose decimal value is largest amongst all substrings of length L in S. Print this largest value. (See notes and examples for further clarification)

Now Rat Ronnie is unable to think of anything else but cheese. As you are a brilliant programmer, she wants you to solve the problem. She promises to share the piece of cheese if you succeed.


  • A substring of a string S, is any contiguous sequence of characters in the string. For example, "cde" is a substring of "abcdef" but "ce" is not a substring of "abcdef".
  • A value of a binary substring is the value after converting it to a decimal number. For example- Decimal value of "1101" = 20×1 + 21×0 + 22×1 + 23×1 = 13


The first line is T, the number of test cases.

T test cases follows. The first line of every test case contains two integers N and L. The second line of every test case contains a binary string of length N.

1 ≤ T ≤ 100

1 ≤ N ≤ 100

1 ≤ L ≤ 50

L ≤ N


Output the maximum decimal value of the substring of length L. As the output may be large, use an appropriate data type.


7 3
5 3
4 4


Explanation of Example

In the second test case, possible substrings of length 3 are "101" , "011", "110" . Out of these, "110" has the highest value in decimal, i.e., 6.

Added by:Ishani Parekh
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64