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Users accepted Submissions Accepted Wrong Answer Compile Error Runtime Error Time Limit Exceeded
149 752 268 159 65 72 168

1 2018-12-04 17:47:05 supernanren accepted 0.05 22M CPP14
2 2017-11-14 11:21:48 Michael Kharitonov accepted 0.21 27M CPP14
3 2017-08-12 09:43:49 zimpha accepted 0.29 21M CPP14
4 2021-09-27 17:23:13 psz2007 accepted 0.52 16M CPP14
5 2022-11-23 16:28:04 RR accepted 0.63 13M CPP14
6 2017-07-30 13:20:23 Bunty accepted 0.70 44M CPP14
7 2023-08-11 10:52:18 Nazar accepted 0.70 15M CPP14
8 2019-07-25 14:49:16 tutis accepted 1.15 137M CPP14
9 2018-10-29 09:04:20 pugachag accepted 1.71 19M CPP14
10 2018-02-03 05:27:08 bonfire accepted 1.81 22M CPP14
11 2017-10-11 16:14:14 jencmart accepted 2.01 29M CPP14
12 2017-10-05 23:46:14 Alei Reyes accepted 2.48 37M CPP14
13 2019-07-25 15:01:18 JustasLe accepted 3.28 17M CPP14
14 2019-02-11 18:03:51 SJ accepted 3.94 1210M CPP14
15 2022-07-18 16:20:26 root accepted 4.06 18M CPP14
16 2021-05-14 13:48:15 Utkarsh Chaudhary accepted 6.91 788M CPP14
17 2022-06-10 13:51:45 Mahdi accepted 8.10 670M CPP14
18 2020-07-17 09:03:33 Jaagup Tamme accepted 8.46 578M CPP14
19 2019-10-29 12:56:15 Priyanshi jain accepted 9.94 1215M CPP14
20 2018-12-26 11:22:13 govihuu accepted 9.95 1208M CPP14