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Prime checker statistics & best solutions

Users accepted Submissions Accepted Wrong Answer Compile Error Runtime Error Time Limit Exceeded
1624 33433 21866 0 3262 1587 6718

1 2011-09-29 14:21:34 ozy4dm 132761903 0.02 2.3M C
2 2011-10-16 18:36:42 hirose golf 129904760 0.12 2.4M C
3 2011-09-15 05:50:24 hirose golf 129333335 0.14 3.3M C++ 4.3.2
4 2022-04-06 14:06:50 ozy4dm 129189874 0.15 5.3M CPP
5 2011-04-27 21:04:15 Robert Gerbicz 124761903 0.30 4.5M CPP
6 2011-01-02 12:11:19 coLun 124190474 0.32 7.2M C++ 4.3.2
7 2010-02-27 09:33:41 Robert 119619046 0.48 41M C
8 2011-09-06 05:33:14 ozy4dm 119047617 0.50 45M C++ 4.3.2
9 2009-06-04 05:37:29 Alexey Shchepin 116761903 0.58 165M C
10 2018-11-04 14:16:33 z 115904760 0.61 47M CPP14
11 2010-02-28 20:28:23 kik 115047617 0.64 35M C++ 4.3.2
12 2010-02-25 04:48:40 yane urao 112476189 0.73 81M C
13 2010-02-25 04:57:01 yane urao 111904760 0.75 82M C++ 4.3.2
14 2010-02-25 04:50:45 yane urao 111619046 0.76 82M CPP
15 2008-04-24 00:03:13 Robert Gerbicz 109333332 0.84 2.7M C
16 2011-08-22 19:32:46 hirose golf 103333332 1.05 35M CPP
17 2007-12-29 08:44:57 Roman Satyukov 100476189 1.15 38M CPP
18 2019-10-20 02:10:25 dingledooper 98247618 1.23 133M CPP14
19 2017-04-13 21:33:24 Michael Kharitonov 95047618 1.34 144M CPP
20 2018-07-18 02:13:25 Viplov Jain 92761903 1.42 147M CPP14