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Users accepted Submissions Accepted Wrong Answer Compile Error Runtime Error Time Limit Exceeded
20 100 31 49 8 9 3

1 2020-05-07 11:09:43 ngochoang accepted 0.00 4.4M CPP14
2 2020-05-06 17:33:57 huonggiangabc accepted 0.01 4.2M CPP14
3 2022-05-27 19:26:47 Zero Two accepted 0.01 5.3M CPP14
4 2022-06-08 14:32:53 Dzenia accepted 0.01 5.3M CPP14
5 2023-03-09 21:02:06 Simes accepted 0.01 5.3M PAS-FPC
6 2025-01-05 15:45:12 near_crowd accepted 0.01 5.2M CPP14
7 2021-10-20 11:13:59 chungdenroi accepted 0.02 5.3M C++ 4.3.2
8 2022-03-20 11:31:02 Đỗ Đình Thanh accepted 0.02 5.3M C
9 2022-05-26 09:04:49 LMA accepted 0.02 5.3M C++ 4.3.2
10 2022-07-22 13:54:19 TShT accepted 0.02 5.3M C++ 4.3.2
11 2023-04-30 12:57:43 luvPi accepted 0.02 5.4M CPP14
12 2023-09-18 08:11:52 Bulbul accepted 0.02 5.3M CPP14
13 2023-09-18 09:57:53 Bulbul accepted 0.03 5.4M CPP14
14 2023-09-18 13:09:21 shakib accepted 0.03 5.2M CPP14
15 2023-05-17 08:54:54 luvPi accepted 0.04 5.4M CPP
16 2022-05-03 16:51:08 ngocanhnu accepted 0.05 5.2M C++ 4.3.2
17 2022-06-05 14:18:59 Backer01 accepted 0.08 9.2M PYTHON3
18 2021-12-07 16:53:50 dauxanh1519 accepted 0.34 59M JAVA
19 2022-05-27 17:45:16 Zero accepted 0.36 58M JAVA
20 2020-03-31 03:48:40 TrangLinh accepted 0.52 54M JAVA