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Robots on a grid statistics & best solutions

Users accepted Submissions Accepted Wrong Answer Compile Error Runtime Error Time Limit Exceeded
856 6479 1264 2942 442 1081 717

1 2017-10-22 07:27:08 narbej accepted 0.00 21M CPP14
2 2014-09-17 04:15:27 Jens Stimpfle accepted 0.01 7.0M C
3 2019-03-08 13:21:06 abhi accepted 0.01 33M CPP14
4 2015-02-04 12:45:46 Sergej accepted 0.02 11M C
5 2011-10-08 14:12:45 Johar accepted 0.03 8.5M C++ 4.3.2
6 2012-08-29 21:31:23 Smithers accepted 0.03 2.9M C
7 2018-02-07 20:53:34 mickey_16 accepted 0.03 25M CPP
8 2019-04-02 16:13:51 Shruti Mittal accepted 0.03 24M CPP14
9 2019-01-02 11:35:42 arka accepted 0.04 25M CPP14
10 2019-04-19 19:14:31 Madhav Rathi accepted 0.04 26M CPP14
11 2011-10-06 22:28:15 Jakub Byczkowski accepted 0.05 4.8M C++ 4.3.2
12 2011-10-12 22:35:09 :-P accepted 0.05 16M C++ 4.3.2
13 2018-04-20 16:55:43 y0u_kn0w_wh0 accepted 0.05 36M CPP14
14 2019-03-06 07:34:38 Kamal accepted 0.05 25M CPP14
15 2019-05-23 21:57:55 abhiy13 accepted 0.05 31M CPP14
16 2011-10-29 18:47:41 czylabsonasa accepted 0.06 2.8M C++ 4.3.2
17 2011-11-21 01:57:51 David Gómez accepted 0.06 8.4M C++ 4.3.2
18 2012-02-28 08:20:14 Ashish Khurange accepted 0.06 12M C
19 2012-07-24 14:01:39 Hugo Humberto Morales Peña accepted 0.06 11M C
20 2015-03-24 10:27:48 kunio himei accepted 0.06 13M CPP14