list of none problems

9139 St Ives   4 20.00
9140 Divisible by 17   0 0.00
9148 Inverse addition   0 0.00
9149 Interesting numbers   0 0.00
9150 Letter game   0 0.00
9155 Sum of numbers   0 0.00
9156 Sum of two integers   0 0.00
9157 Selection of letters   0 0.00
9158 Rock-paper-scissors   0 0.00
9160 Largest number   0 0.00
9162 ISBN   0 0.00
9163 ISBN   0 0.00
9164 Celsius to Fahrenheit   0 0.00
9165 Collatz conjecture   0 0.00
9166 Smart switch   0 0.00
9167 Classic switch   0 0.00
9168 Compounds   0 0.00
9169 1 2 3 - 3 2 1   0 0.00
9170 Perimeter of a triangle   1 100.00
9171 Average of three numbers   0 0.00
9172 Pythagoras   0 0.00
9177 Caper   0 0.00
9179 Ambiguous permutations   0 0.00
9186 C-sum   0 0.00
9191 To And fro   0 0.00
9192 Palindromic numbers   0 0.00
9193 Alternating sum   0 0.00
9194 Homo or hetero   0 0.00
9195 Minesweeper   0 0.00
9196 Run-length encoding   0 0.00
9197 VII   0 0.00
9198 Josephus   0 0.00
9202 ISBN   0 0.00
9206 Crack the RSA code   0 0.00
9207 Phone neighbours   0 0.00
9208 Runs and groups   0 0.00
9209 Lemmings   0 0.00
9218 The billion-year war   1 100.00
9220 Sacred Cat of Burma   0 0.00
9221 Diana Cryptosystem   0 0.00
9222 Plutokiller   0 0.00
9223 Sestina   0 0.00
9224 Geheimschreiber   0 0.00
9225 Yearbook   0 0.00
9226 Pozo Azul   0 0.00
9228 Echo   1 33.33
9229 Racetrack Playa   0 0.00
9230 The missing number   0 0.00
9232 Mars rovers   0 0.00
9233 Combi sum   0 0.00

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